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Most of my workshops begin as an experiment


… and I am never sure if they will work out completely. Because of this I often take part in the workshops myself and try to execute the requirements of the exercise in the best possible way. One of the reasons for this is to test out my initial idea, and secondly, to ‘prove’ to my students that with ‘a little work and a lot of fun’ you can create something new and original.

To begin with we explored some pattern collections produced by @freespiritfabrics who have an endless selection of abstract patterns created by artists from all over the globe. The idea was to experiment with collage as a medium to create a totally abstract image without recognisable objects or themes. By not paying too much attention to details and using only the materials we had at hand, we pieced together colours and shapes and explored composition to invent new original motifs and colour combinations. The idea was that this finished image would then act as a moodboard to gain inspiration for a mini collection of patterns.

From analysing my own personal collage I found it very easy to chose a colour palette for my patterns. Combining colours which naturally suit or create contrast is part of the process of collage, I also found lots of new motif to play with. A mini collection of patterns materialized in no time at all, inspired by the summer colour palette I also couldn’t resist trying out a few product mock-ups. I’m waiting to see if any of my students are inspired to create a mini collection for themselves, there were lots of ideas… you just have to make the best of them.

Thank you Simona, Pia and Deborah for believing in me and giving it a go. Also thanks to IKEA for the space, perfect table arrangement, nice view of the mountains, and of course the coffee shop, which is of great help when you are trying ‘not’ to concentrate too much!

Dawn x