I have been working quietly on a collaborative project for CARIE with some of my students for quite sometime. I would like to add immediately that my students are getting so good at surface pattern that I should be calling them ‘fellow’ surface pattern designers! We as a group were invited to illustrate the short stories using patterns and create what was for CARIE a unique edition, Edition 13.
A word about pattern and why it is perfect to use as a substitute for illustration. It is often considered merely a decorative solution without content, but it is specifically the content of a pattern that conveys the message. Patterns talk to us using colours, motif and composition, they often tell some kind of story and collections are usually designed around a strong theme or idea which links the patterns together and creates a bit of ‘storytelling’. For hundreds of years patterns have been used as a vehicle to transmit messages, ensure that traditional rules and values continue to survive for generations, and, to describe and share the hopes and ideas of individuals and cultures throughout the world. Precisely because of their ability to narrate they are a perfect solution for illustrating stories.
In the current issue you will find all the patterns we created. Above are two of the patterns I created within the layout of the magazine. For the cover I designed the pattern and the beautiful face was created by Pia Taccone. It was an enjoyable challenge for everyone to represent a short story with one single image that repeats itself. It was also fun to work alongside each other. I think you will agree, we did a good job.
For sure CARIE, Edition 13, Speciale Pattern is totally different, unique and interesting. We do hope you like it!
Dawn x